Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 01:00 PM

Takk fyrir þátttökuna í enn einu vel heppnuðu vefnámskeiði. Ef þú náðir ekki að taka þátt, geturðu horft á myndbandið hér. Takk fyrir þetta skiptið. 💪

Við bjóðum þig velkomin til hagnýts vefnámskeiðs, þar sem við munum deila nýstárlegum aðferðum til að vinna skilvirkt og nákvæmt með LCA í byggingariðnaði. Við munum nýta reynslu leiðandi ráðgjafa, sem deila sýn sinni á að vinna með LCA og hvernig þeir nota Real-Time LCA daglega til að skilja, draga úr og skjalfesta klimaáhrif byggingar.


Matteo Cominetti

Co-Founder & COO at Speckle

Matteo is the co-founder of Speckle, a platform for automating design processes and bringing new technologies to the built environment. Matteo brings talent to the world that spans computational design, performance analysis, optimization, fabrication, and software development.

Vibeke Christiansen

Bæredygtighedsansvarlig Cubo Arkitekter

Vibeke is part of the generational talents that combine the learnings of modern BIM and LCA methodologies to solve sustainability challenges daily in the diverse projects at Cubo Architects. Vibeke is hands-on and heart-in about LCA and sustainable construction throughout her studies and career.

Rasmus Boysen Feddersen

Sustainability & Innovation Lead at Nordic Office of Architecture DK

As an architect, Rasmus has dedicated his talents to what he calls applied sustainability, including the effective use of digitalization in the fight for more sustainable construction.

With a focus on people and processes, new methods are developed for incorporating the projects' goals.

Sustainability has been a common thread throughout his career at leading architecture firms, with extensive experience in LCA practices.

Nicolai Henriksen

Design Studio Lead at Meldrup & Pugholm

Nicolai, with a background in craftsmanship, has always had a burning passion for sustainable choices and climate impacts as a building designer.

He wants to stay in touch with the latest eco-friendly options. He is a forward-thinking leader, focused on ensuring that everyone in the team can do more for sustainability today.

He places great emphasis on digitalization and customer value, and works to integrate digital solutions efficiently in all parts of their design process to improve and define the future work within AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction).

Tryggðu sætið þitt núna með því að skrá þig hér

(bara grín - það er pláss fyrir alla ;))

Þetta er tækifærið þitt til að vera á undan í sjálfbæru byggingariðnaði og rauntíma-LCA. Saman getum við mótað framtíðina fyrir umhverfisvænan byggingariðnað og haft jákvæð áhrif á plánetuna.